Infectious Disease Management

In accordance with the Maryland Higher Education Commission and the University System of Maryland, Frostburg State University updates and submits a Pandemic and Outbreak Response Plan for legislative review by the Maryland General Assembly each year. This plan is informed by the Pandemic Response Committee, Student Affairs, and the Director of the FSU Health Center. 

As the remnants of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus continues to have a global presence, we have collectively addressed infectious disease management for centuries. Fortunately, humans have historically been able to successfully mitigate infectious microscopic viral agents that can impact respiratory, digestive, nervous, circulatory, skeletal, integumentary, endocrine, reproductive, and muscular systems. When a novel or new virus appears, such as SARS-CoV-2, the scientific medical community resoundingly responds with strategies to mitigate risk of transmission, discover prophylactic treatments, and potentially develop effective vaccines. When a viral pandemic or outbreak occurs, Frostburg State University is prepared to implement a response plan that includes risk assessment and mitigation informed by the best available public health practices.

As it relates to the continued presence of COVID-19, anyone who feels more comfortable and chooses to wear a mask may do so. Additionally, Frostburg State University recommends that you consult with your healthcare provider regarding vaccinations. Our Pandemic Recovery Team will continuously monitor state and local public health conditions that will inform mitigation strategies on campus. 

An important part of our commitment to student health is the Brady Health Center, located on the ground floor (Suite 118) of the Education & Health Sciences Building. If students aren't feeling well, or have symptoms of an infectious disease, such as COVID-19, influenza, strep throat, etc., please consider calling Brady Health Center at 301-687-4310 during normal business hours to schedule an appointment. If you are required to isolate because of testing positive for COVID-19, or have a direct exposure to someone who has tested positive, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have established guidelines that are reinforced by our healthcare professionals in the Brady Health Center. 


COVID-19 Guidance

Guidance If Diagnosed or Close Contact with COVID-19 

Visitor/Event Information

Visitors to campus are encouraged to review their symptoms. Please do not visit campus if you have symptoms of a head cold, throat infection, pneumonia, and flu-like illness, or fever.